Hello World
It's time for a whirlwind tour of Redis before you dive into the rest of the book!
Overview: Redis
Versatile Key-Value store
The beauty of Redis is that it's a key-value store where keys are String
s but the values are data structures. Here is a list
String - A simple data type which can be used as a key as well as a value
List - Used as a ordered data store as well as a queue
Hash - Modeled as a collection of key-value pairs which makes it similar to a
data structure (in any programming language)Set - A
in Redis is just like its mathemaical counterpart - stores unique and unordered entriesSorted Set - It is just like a set, except for the fact that each element has an associated score (floating point)
Geo - The data type to use when you want to work with geo location (in terms of latitude and longitude)
Hyperloglog - A simple yet very efficient data structure to count unique items
Streams - It's similar to append-only-log and allows you to consume and process unbounded data sets
Core capabilities
It doesn't end with the data structures!
PubSub - Redis
s provide decoupled, asynchornous, one-to-many messaging pattern with the help of commands such asPUBLISH
etc.Pipeline and Transactions - Use
to send multiple commands at once therby offset network latency (of sending individual commands).Transaction
s (usingMULTI
) are a strategy to execute a set of commands atomically. They can be cancelled usingDISCARD
(Redis does not support rolbacks) and optimistic locking is supported usingWATCH
Stream Processing - As mentioned above, this is powered by the
data typeRedis Modules - Modules provide the ability to extend Redis and develop custom data structures/commands
Lua scripting - Redis gives you the ability to xecute Lua scripts inside it, thanks to the inbuilt Lua interpreter
Replication - Redis provides Master-Slave replication capability which is asynchronous by default
Persistence - Redis also provides you the ability to persist data on disk using tunable persistence mechanisms -
(periodic snapshots),AOF
(save data on each modification) or a combination of bothHigh Availability - Automated failover is made possible using Redis Sentinel
Partitioning - Redis Cluster provides both automated data partionining as well as high avaiability capabilities
Keyspace notifications - You can subscribe to internal Redis
s in order to get notifications about changes made to the data. The notifications are related to the key (e.g.votes
) which got affected as well as the command/event which was executed (e.g.SET
)Redis CLI - Redis has a full-fledged CLI allowing you to interact with it using just a terminal
Expiry - Use the
and other related commands to define a timeout for when you want a key to be automatically deleted by Redis
Overview: Core data structures
Sneak peek of the core data types listed above
s are quite versatile and they can be manipulated using simple SET
and GET
commands. You can even store integers as a value. Redis will recognize it and allow them to operated using beINCR
Internally implemented as Linked Lists which ensures constant time operations at head and tail. Basic commands include LPUSH
to push data, LREM
to delete, LTRIM
to limit the list size, LRANGE
to find sub-list, LPOP
to get data (BLPOP
are the blocking variations). Lists are heavily used as a foundation for implementing job queues
It's ability to store key-value pairs makes Hash
an ideal candidate for storing objects (thier attributes and values e..g user, order etc.). HSET
and HGET
are the basic commands to work with a Hash
are the euqivalent commands to operate on multiple values at once). You can also use HGETALL
to get the all key-value pairs in the Hash
and SREM
are used to add and delete elements from a Set
respectively. You can check for existence with SISMEMBER
and list all elements using SMEMBERS
. Other interesting operations include finding union (SUNION
) and intersection (SINTER
) of sets. You can calculate the difference between sets using SDIFF
and its cardinality (number of elements) with SCARD
Sorted Set
Add element (along with thier score) using ZADD
and bump up the score with ZINCRBY
will give you the score of a specific element while ZRANK
will give you the index of the member (rank based on score). Sorted Sets are heavily used in leaderboards, time series use cases etc. because of their flexible sorting capabilities offered by ZRANGE
and other similar commands
It's a compact (limited set of commands) data structure which makes it very easy to work with geo spatial co-ordinates. Just add members and thier location (latitude and longitude) using GEOADD
and query for thier exact postion or hash using GEOPOS
respectively. Use GEODIST
to calculat the distance between points in a Geo data set and get a sorted result of distances within a radius from a specific location or member using GEORADIUS
Counting unique items is possible by storing them in a Set
and then invoking SCARD
. But, the beauty of Hyperloglog
is that it's memory requirements are not proportional to the number of elements stored in it (~12000 bytes at max). This is because of it's probabilistic nature where there is a chance of an error (> 1 %). Just use PFADD
to push elements and PFCOUNT
to count them. PFMERGE
is a handy command which allows you to merger multiple Hyperloglog
s into a single one
Introduced in Redis 5.0 (not officially released at the time of writing), Streams can be used to ingest infinite data using XADD
and access/process them using XREAD
. Another variation is XREADGROUP
which is similar to the Consumer Groups feature in Apache Kafka and can be used to split the processing workload among mulitple consumers. XRANGE
provides the ability to find chunks of data in the Stream and makes it possible to perform time series analysis (by providing your own time as the ID or use the one returned by XADD
Last updated
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